Tuesday 29 December 2015

Create Hash Key Using Open SSL

Hello Guys,

Today I am sharing how to create a Hash Key using OpenSSL Tool.

For that you have to follow the below steps.


Step 1: Download open ssl from following link:

Step 2: After download extract it into C Drive. Rename the folder with OpenSSL.

Step 3: Open your command prompt and enter following command.
C:\>keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:\Users\plam\.android\
debug.keystore | C:\OpenSSL\openssl sha1 -binary | C:\OpenSSL\openssl base64

Step 4: Now press enter key and you will get to enter password option like following.
Enter keystore password:  android

Step 5: Once again press enter key after write the password and you will get your hash key.
This key is used as per your requirement.

Hash Key is: fRLJ9y6z2IL6LYDZEeWBMRclRI=